How to Deal With Unrequited Love the Right Way

Shayma Popova
3 min readOct 11, 2023
Sad woman partially covered by a sheet
If you don’t know how to deal with unrequited love, start by focusing on self-healing and acceptance. | Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

Unrequited love can be a complex and emotionally challenging experience. We’ve seen and heard of it in movies, TV shows, books, and even in songs. However, it’s different when we experience it ourselves.

Imagine falling deeply for someone, only to realize that the person, doesn’t see you the same way. And as much as some of us try to deny it, the feeling hurts.

Unfortunately, there’s no cure for this feeling. So, how do people get over it?

Here’s how to deal with unrequited love without falling into toxic patterns.

How to Move On

Begin your healing through these helpful mechanisms:

#1: Cease contact.

Seeing the subject of your unrequited love makes you feel fuzzy. That’s dopamine doing its work; the brain releases the hormone when warm feelings surface from a person.

But once you realize the reality of unrequited feelings, the dopamine stops. You’ll feel as if you’re falling from a height. Think of it as experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

If you want to survive that “withdrawal,” you’ll need to cut contact with the object of your unrequited affection. This means ceasing conversations and unfollowing them on social media. Is this difficult? Yes, but it’s a necessary step. This will curb your urge to check on them.

#2: Don’t deny your feelings.

You may feel shame or embarrassment about your current predicament. Is it natural? Yes. However, those feelings make moving on a little more difficult. There’s no point in running away from your emotions.

And with that, learn to accept your feelings. They may come all at once, or they may arrive in waves. Falling for a person is normal, even if it’s unrequited. Don’t punish yourself for your experience.

#3: Grieve.

The stages of grief over unrequited love may be similar to that of breakups. Sometimes, getting over one-sided love may even be more difficult. Why? Many of us tend to put the object of our love on a pedestal, which isn’t healthy.

As you accept your feelings, learn to mourn them. Give yourself space to process your emotions. Your pain and sadness are valid, and no one should convince you otherwise.

Sad girl walking along the shore
Depression due to one-sided love can be avoided if you learn to manage your emotions. | Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

#4: Take care of yourself.

Confronting and accepting your emotions can take a toll on you. And with that, self-care is a must.

Have you paid attention to your needs and wants? If not, now’s the time to cater to them. Focus your energies on self-fulfillment through hobbies and passions. There’s no better way to keep yourself occupied by doing feel-good things.

#5: Talk to people.

Do you feel like you’re experiencing depression due to one-sided love? Don’t keep your feelings to yourself. Open up to your loved ones and let them comfort you. They won’t judge you for having emotions.

For some of us, self-care can only do so much for our healing. Don’t hesitate to approach a professional for help.

Unrequited love comes in various forms. Sometimes, it’s your crush not liking you back. On other occasions, it’s being hung up on an ex. For a few people, it’s continuing to harbor feelings for someone who rejected them. No matter the form, they all hurt the same.

Learn how to deal with unrequited love and you should be okay. It’s not a quick and linear process, and you may stumble throughout some stages. Sometimes, emotions can even get the best of you, making recovery seem impossible.

Fortunately, moving forward is possible. You won’t always have it easy, but rest assured that you’ll come out of your painful experience as a much stronger person.



Shayma Popova
Shayma Popova

Written by Shayma Popova

I write truths about dating and relationships as a Content Manager for

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