Dating Burnout: Signs and Remedies
Has modern dating got you down? Don’t worry; you’re not alone.
A Forbes article revealed that around 78% of dating app users admitted to experiencing emotional, mental, and physical fatigue or burnout, with Millennials (89%) and Gen Z (79%) feeling this the most due to how common it is for them to communicate digitally.
You’d think something quick and easy couldn’t cause that much pain. Unfortunately, the answer is no.
This 21st-century struggle is a consequence of modern dating’s advancement.
Meeting someone while swiping on dating apps is convenient. However, it also opens a can of worms, from meeting ghosters and backburning jerks to catfishers and other scammers.
But how do you know you have dating burnout? And what can you do to handle it?
Heed These Warnings
Stop and see these signs before it’s too late:
#1: You’re more irritable than usual
You’re experiencing dating burnout when even the most minor inconvenience feels incredibly challenging.
Rejection feels extra painful, leading to pessimism. In turn, you believe you have the worst dating luck known to man, even if that’s not true.
#2: You feel hopeless about connecting with someone you like
Remember the motivation you had when you first dipped your toes into the dating pool? Misery has now taken its place.
You have no hope of building a connection, regardless of whether you meet someone you genuinely like.
#3: You’re secretly hoping for a cancellation
Do you wish your match would pull a fast one and cancel? At this point, you lack the emotional energy to go out and see someone.
#4: The thought of another date or swipe drains you
If, back then, you felt excited about dating somebody, it’s the complete opposite now.
Dating is no longer as fun as it once was. It feels like you must clock in for a shift, which, unfortunately, blocks your capacity to build a connection.
How to Stop Dating Burnout
Press Reset and bounce back stronger with these remedies:
#1: Take a breather
Recharge your social battery occasionally, especially since dating is a highly energy-consuming pursuit. Take a moment to pause and refresh yourself.
#2: Do time-tracking
No, I don’t mean installing and using a productivity app (although you can do that if you want to). However, monitor how much time you spend on dating platforms.
Use some of the time you spend swiping through matches to do more productive things, like engaging in a new hobby, refining your talents and skills, and building connections.
#3: Ditch your timeline
Don’t put yourself on a schedule. Even the most organized people occasionally have sidetracks. There’s no telling when you’ll meet a match, so let things play out naturally.
#4: Make some changes to your usual
Try different things! If your typical strategies aren’t cutting it, maybe it’s time for a switch-up. For example, if you usually go to cafes on first dates, why not change that and go for a more interactive setting?
#5: Date who you want, not just who wants you
It’s your dating life, after all. Don’t waste time dating someone you know you won’t stick around for in the long term.
Your dating burnout is sending you a clear message: you need help. Don’t allow it to sour your view of love.
Prendergast, Carley. 2024. “Forbes Health Survey: 79% Of Gen Z Report Dating App Burnout.” Forbes.