Dating Advice
Tired of the Dating Game? Play It By Your Rules
Win at Love on Your Terms
Let’s be real: dating nowadays sucks.
Many think pieces have lamented its current state because, well, we’re all tired. Who wouldn’t be annoyed by how it feels like there’s no winning in this dating game?
Most walk on eggshells in their romantic endeavors. The secondhand accounts and horror stories they’ve heard over time have made them extra cautious. Some have sworn off dating because of their trust issues and other fears.
Dating may look bleak now, but don’t let that stop you from looking for love. You can win the game. But to do so, you have to play on your terms. Set your rules through the following points.
You’re Right to Be Afraid, but Open Your Heart Anyway
Your fears and doubts are valid. I am also terrified at the thought of being ghosted by someone I’m just about to fall head over heels for. Whatever your apprehension is, know you’re not alone.
And while you’re right to be scared, you shouldn’t close your doors to love. Letting your fears win is equal to throwing in the white towel.
The possibility of heartbreak may always loom, but go ahead and take the plunge anyway. It’s better to have loved (even if you’ve gotten hurt) than not trying. The what-ifs will only haunt you until you finally take that leap of faith.
We deserve to love and be loved, risks be damned.
Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve Proudly
The dating game feels like a tiresome contest of one-upping the other to see who gives out first. You are to display no vulnerability until someone budges and caves in.
Seems easy, right? But as effortless as that sounds, it’s also cold and heartless.
For many people, showing emotions early on in dating (and, to an extent, life in general) is a weakness. Why? These reasons may give some explanation (but not justification, just to be clear):
Society deems it so
Many cultures (especially collectivist ones) have made discipline and stoicism a norm and expectation. One slight expression can be enough to earn widespread judgment.
People will take advantage
Unfortunately, some people will prey on vulnerability. The moment somebody lets their guard down, they’ll take that opening and pounce. They’ll stop at nothing until they get what they want. And when they do, they’ll leave that person in the dust and find another.
Play the Dating Game with Authenticity
Being yourself is, admittedly, the most cliché advice in the history of mankind. At the same time, there’s a reason authenticity is a highly valued trait.
Few things are as attractive as someone being their true self. Once somebody’s genuine aura gets another’s attention, they’ll feel compelled to know them. And when they like what they see and know, a connection begins. A strong foundation of trust and intimacy slowly builds that, setting themselves up for a healthy future.
The dating game doesn’t have to be as harsh as some make it out to be. Play by your own rules and get the love you know you deserve.
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