Pebbling: Learn From the Love Language of Penguins

Shayma Popova
3 min readSep 20, 2024
A woman taking pictures to send to her partner as a form of pebbling
Photo by Jenna Day on Unsplash

By now, you’ve already heard of the five love languages. There are even four additions to that list! I have a couple of articles covering them.

But did you know there’s another one on the rise? You read that right. There’s another love language, and it’s called pebbling. You can add this to the ever-growing list of modern dating terms.

And I know what you’re thinking — the name’s weird. Why is it named after pebbles? Does this have anything to do with throwing them?

Let’s see what this is all about.

The Origin of the Pebbling Dating Trend

In the intro, one of the questions is why the trend is named after pebbles. In response, this concept doesn’t involve these tiny rocks — for humans, anyway (more on this later). You may want to put them down if you have them on hand.

You’ll be surprised to know where this term comes from: male Gentoo penguins.

You may have picked up on this connection if you’ve seen your share of penguin videos or documentaries.

When breeding season arrives, these Antarctic creatures express interest in potential mates by giving them the most beautiful pebble they can find. If the females accept their little token, it will be the foundation of their nests.

That gesture also kickstarts their lifelong relationship. Like most of their fellow penguins, Gentoos tend to mate for life. It’s crazy how one stone can be monumental, yes? It’s safe to say that these creatures are romantic.

Pebbling in Humans

How does this practice work for humans?

We have adopted this practice through digital means. Instead of pebbles, people do it through small and thoughtful gestures of love and affection. Examples include giving little tokens, simple surprises, and sharing humorous or relatable content.

Does this sound wholesome? Definitely! In a world where ghosting, gaslighting, and other toxic behaviors are the norm, this one is a welcome breather. It doesn’t trigger hypervigilance. Instead, it builds connections.

If you think sending your partner a meme doesn’t mean much, it does. It shows they’ve crossed your mind and want to make their day lighter. Who wouldn’t like that?

How Does This Help Relationships?

You and your partner may have unconsciously been doing this habit throughout your relationship. And that’s great!

This practice is more than just sharing time or an object. It enhances relationships. Sending or doing something for your partner — no matter how small — can make them feel seen, heard, and appreciated.

As the saying goes, “the little things matter.”

As we get older, maintaining relationships can get challenging. And this is where the “pebbles” come in to help keep the wheels spinning.

For example, sliding in your partner’s DMs to ask how they are in response to their Instagram note is enough reinforcement. It tells them you care. Similarly, sending them a picture of their favorite bread as you’re grocery shopping does wonders. It shows that you remembered.

Pebbling alone can’t sustain a relationship. Nonetheless, it’s an important practice. Take some cues from Gentoo penguins and build a stronger relationship with your partner.



Shayma Popova

I write truths about dating and relationships as a Content Manager for