It’s Okay to Have a Quiet Love

Shayma Popova
3 min readAug 4, 2024
An illustration of a couple enjoying their quiet love

For many of us, love is a loud affair filled with fairy-tale moments. And that’s not out of nowhere. Many things have shaped that mentality, from our favorite romance books to classic romantic comedies.

But the truth is, love doesn’t need to be an in-your-face affair. People can show it in various ways because it’s a unique experience for everyone.

Some show their love in subtler ways. Call it quiet love, if you want. There’s not much fanfare in their expressions. They replace grand pronouncements with silent acts of service.

This idea may baffle some of you. What’s love if it’s not apparent? Isn’t it a sign that something’s wrong?

Hear this idea out before pressing the panic button. I assure you that your relationship isn’t in the trenches. It may be even stronger than you think.

What Does a Quiet Kind of Love Look Like?

Some of you may be wondering how this works. How does one express love without bold declarations?

Let’s paint a quick picture.

You’ve just gotten up from bed, and your stomach is grumbling. You walk to the kitchen and find a plate filled with your favorite breakfast bites and a cup of coffee waiting for you. You then see your partner with a smile on their face, greeting you good morning.

Preparing breakfast may not seem like much on the surface. After all, sustenance is a necessity. However, it’s an act that comes from the heart. It doesn’t need an audience, so others don’t feel the need to parade it.

Don’t Be Fooled by the Silence

Don’t get me wrong; grand romantic gestures are well-appreciated! Who wouldn’t fall in love with bold declarations of love? And that’s not to say they’re inauthentic, either. People do them in the heat of the moment because of their intense feelings.

But let’s say your partner isn’t the outwardly sweet type. They’re not one to sweep you off your feet with big acts. If you think that’s a red flag, you may want to slow your roll and relax.

The good news is that a lack of romantic gestures doesn’t mean they don’t love you. Instead, their love comes quietly. It’s a soft, transparent feeling that doesn’t beg anyone’s attention but yours.

There’s Comfort in the Quiet

Love isn’t always bombastic. Sometimes, it’s quiet and mundane. So what if your partner tells you they love you while you’re washing dishes? It may not be grand and extraordinary, but its simplicity makes it just as sincere.

This kind of love may look dull, but it’s a sure one. It’s consistent, staying strong in both good and bad times. It won’t shout at you from rooftops, but it will make its presence felt through the little things. Forget huge bouquets (although they’re nice) and loud boomboxes outside your windows. Sometimes, words aren’t even necessary.

In a generation of distractions, this love ensures it’ll stick around long after the fun is over.

Quiet love won’t try to change anyone. It’s the kind of love that accepts people for what they are. It doesn’t matter if the rest of the world can’t see it; what matters is that you and your partner feel it.



Shayma Popova

I write truths about dating and relationships as a Content Manager for