A Yapper and Listener Is a Balanced Match

Here’s Why This Tandem Works Well

Shayma Popova
3 min readOct 8, 2024
A yapper and a listener having a conversation over food

Couples aren’t carbon copies of each other. Sure, they have their similarities, but they’re not mirrors. Love would be pretty stale if they were, wouldn’t it?

But because of this, there’s the concept of romantic tropes. Since time immemorial, people have identified couples based on their dynamics and circumstances and placed them in certain categories. Popular examples include second-chance romances and the classic friends-to-lovers setup.

And recently, there’s a new trope: the yapper and the listener. If this seems familiar, that’s because it is. It may be a modern dating phenomenon, but its concept isn’t novel.

Going by its name, this tandem may seem contradictory. However, their opposite natures make for a balanced dynamic. Here’s why this pairing works.

Say Hello to the Yapper

Does your match or partner possess the gift of gab? Have they been labeled as a chatterbox at some point? If so, they’re likely to be yappers.

They often talk about insignificant things. With this tendency, many peg these folks as nonsensical oversharers who can’t seem to close their mouths.

Perceptions aside, that’s not to say yapping is unwelcome.

Some content creators have even claimed the moniker of “professional yapper.” They wear it like a badge of honor online. You can see this in their videos, where they’re rambling about different subjects, such as their daily routines and love lives.

In relationships, you’ll know someone’s a yapper if they share their stories like it’s nothing. But unlike what most people think, this candidness isn’t uniform among them. For some, this side only comes out when they’re around their safe spaces, like their partners.

Meet the Listener

Now that you have the gist about yappers, let’s move on to the other half of this equation.

Listeners quietly observe and absorb the words of their yapping counterparts. They’ll say their piece when necessary but mostly stay silent. They’re not obligated to, but they’re the sounding boards in the relationship. They spot and decipher yappers’ unsaid words to get to know them better.

Despite that description, that’s not to say listeners are pushovers or doormats. They’re simply content with closing their mouths and giving quiet support. And with that, don’t mistake their silence for aloofness.

Why Is This Pairing Balanced?

A certified yapper and a seasoned listener together may appear chaotic. But even though the two parties are opposites, they couldn’t be more compatible. You know what they say — opposites attract.

The former can be a breath of fresh air. Sure, they love talking, but that’s because it’s who they are. They don’t (and shouldn’t) repress themselves just to avoid stepping on others’ toes. Their candid nature can encourage listeners to loosen up and release their inhibitions (*cue Natasha Bedingfield’s “Unwritten” here*).

Meanwhile, the latter is the steady rock, keeping things calm. They don’t mind the oversharing. They may even love it. Their silence is a quiet show of strength and support. And with that, yappers can take a few cues from them and learn to take comfort in silence.

If you’re the listener type, may you find someone who’ll let you into their fold without hesitation. And when you do, be the reliable shoulder they’ve been wanting to lean on.

For the yapper reading this, may you find a listener who’ll take everything you have to give. Once they knock on your door, let them in, and don’t look back. May they be the safe space you’ve been looking for.



Shayma Popova

I write truths about dating and relationships as a Content Manager for